Mission & Vision
CFK provides professional footballers and cyclists with the resources to develop a new line of work after the end of their active career. Its core purpose is to promote the financial security of ex-professional players/cyclists. CFK acts on the principle of social responsibility while facilitating the pursuit of professional football and cycling in the Netherlands. Among its objectives are:
- to administer group pension schemes serving the above objective at the lowest possible cost;
- to promote the establishment and retention of such group schemes.
The overarching objective at CFK is to give the interests of the individual footballer the greatest priority in all its areas of activity. CFK aims to be recognised as an open, expert, reliable and client oriented organisation enjoying the confidence of players and others involved in professional football. The executive board places strong emphasis on adhering to developments taking place in the area of “good pension fund governance”. Although CFK is not formally a pension fund, this provides a useful frame of reference.
CFK has done everything possible to align its governance structure with the most recent guidelines. The supervisory board accordingly has a controlling influence on the work of the executive board and the council of members plays a significant advisory role. The supervisory and executive boards as well as all CFK staff are furthermore required to comply with a rigorous code of conduct.