Welcome to CFK
CFK is the administrator of the Dutch professional football en cycling bridging benefit scheme. This tailor made scheme is designed to provide a basic income for professional players/cyclists during their transition into a new line of work after their sport career has ended. CFK also serves pension schemes in the football sector (professional players and trainers).
CFK manages approx € 500 mln.
CFK falls under the supervision of financial markets regulator AFM (Autoriteit Financiële Markten) and is licensed in accordance with ex Article 2:65, preamble, sub a of the Netherlands Financial Regulation Act (Wet op het Financieel Toezicht).
Harderwijkweg 5
2803 PW Gouda
Phone: 0031(0)182571171
Whatsapp: 0031(0)628553545
E-mail: info@cfk.nl